I have found the most wonderful invention next to my breadmaker!! Ready Rice/Rice Express!! this wonderful little package of rice that I put in my microwave, bag and all for 90 seconds and then I eat this wonderful mostly healthy hot rice dinner!!!
Oh I'm a happy woman!
and it comes in tons of flavors and it's great 'cause I can throw a few of these in my desk drawer for a late night or a no-money week!
I usually pack my lunch because (duh) I save so much more money that way....but sometimes I just have no time in the morning and I refuse to cut my devotional time short just to make lunch because I wanted ten [read 20] more minutes of sleep.....so toss one of these in my tote and I'm all set for a filling and healthy lunch! Uncle Ben's even has a no-salt brown rice and we all know how long brown rice takes. (although for all the other flavors I really prefer Rice-A-Roni's brand)
yup. the little things still excite me. and I ask...what's wrong with that :-)
so asking you to contribute to a communal online cookbook would be a little ironic, I take it?
LOL nawww
I still do cook normal non cheat foods.....what would you like? dinner? dessert? appetizers?
ooh..I should send you my recipe for garlic and artichoke dip :-D
well, haven't started it yet, but contemplating organizing all my tried-and-true recipes from books and scraps of paper and albums and boxes into one online catalog is sounding more and more interesting (and time consuming)
Ooh! that sounds like a wonderful idea!! I'd be glad to contribute!
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