Wednesday, March 28, 2007

We're going on an adventure!

I told Bug that my blindfold and I would pick him up mid-morning Saturday. He's so excited I can hear him grinning :-)

So, provided I remember to have him bring his camera and provided that I get him to upload said pictures from said camera....the post about the adventure should be coming shortly after the adventure!

He took me on a blindfolded date was cool...had no clue where we were going and when he took the blindfold off we were at an art gallery, then to dinner at a little boutique type place and then off to a movie...I can't divulge any plans here since he might just decided that's the day to see what's new on our blog.....but I'm excited about it :-D


mira said...

well? it's monday, I demand a full report.

Bug and Eye said...

We had a blast!
and if Bug sends the pics today I can give a full report otherwise...I'll have to give you a "mini report" :-)

mira said...

you should just commandeer his camera. just my $0.02