Wednesday, March 07, 2007


it's a blah kind of day.
so why am I posting about it? because for some reason I think you care to know what's going on....
it's freezing cold, but that should shock no one....
I'm tired and my emotions are on a rollar coaster (no, not about not being 25 anymore, I think I'm over that...)
Next week marks 5 years since Shawn died....and everything feels so weird....and the tears come pretty easily....and things get to me quicker and I just want to hide under my bed with my teddy bear and wait for it all to be overwith....
I have a crazy few days in front of me....
IAAP dinner tonight....getting my car fixed (yay! hopefully it's not too expensive....) tomorrow, then Bible study and then Friday....the usual evening with Darryl and Saturday we're going back to that restaurant we went to for Valentines :-) that should be good fun. and if he emails me the pics...I'll post to be my issue in one sends the pics they take, lol....if only that were my biggest issue right? ;-)


mira said...

ya cameras are not too pricey nowadays, and you could call it a wedding expense (have to post pics of everything so we can yay or nay and offer our pithy advice without which you would not know what to do!). very justifiable spendage, if you ask me.

Bug and Eye said...

yeah I probably should since those that have the digital cameras and promise to send the pics don' and one of them is Bug!