Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Well, I'm impressed...
My sibs did this....
nope. no photo shopping involved. they had a lot of snow...and a lot of time on their hands....and they created this.....pretty cool huh?
As Christmas (and Bug's birthday) rapidly approach....I scramble for last minute gifts, ingredients for yummy treats and wonder just how many cars can fit into a parking lot......I'm forced to stop for a breath and remember why we do all of this....the real reason for the season....Jesus' togetherness.....and I smile and plod on...wishing those clerks a Merry Christmas.....even when they get all startled and wish me Happy Holidays....
I've decided not to get offended by it....because well, to stand there and wish each customer Merry Christmas, Happy New Year is exhausting...... ;-)
May the joy of the season surround you, may you be filled with God's peace, may your joy be complete in the promises of Christ.
Merry Christmas to all!
Friday, November 23, 2007

It was so nice having so much of my family was a good day...and as I sat at the table with a full plate and surrounded by the ones I love....the aches left my body and I forgot about the effort to make the meal, and I smiled.
As we enter this Christmas season, I pray that you are blessed beyond measure and that the peace of God that passes all understanding saturates your soul and home.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
know what?? know what???
Yes, I am genuinely excited! I'm hosting dinner for 8 at my place...and it shall be divine! Thus sayeth Eye!!
Pictures to follow...provided I can pull my hands out of the flour and such to take them.....
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
now this is cool.
So of course, I clicked away and wow....instantly this woman was brought to was this one....
I mean how many times am I surrounded by paperclips but no safety pins?
this site would make Macguiver smile!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Dropped the price on my house today. Learned that the lack of garage/basement is deterring people...which kinda sucks a bit...
Monday, November 12, 2007
We thought we'd get home late morning/early afternoon, veg for a while, maybe head to H town or home early evening....popped in a movie...I made dinner...we finished the movie and rubbed each other's feet with tingly mint lotion (man I love Bath & Body Works!) and that was the ball game....
Sunday...ah Sunday....we had a bridal show slated for the we knew we were headed back to the City earlier than usual.
My eyes flew open at 7:30 and wouldn't close, despite the fact that I didn't need to be up for at least two more hours...
so...for some reason I thought it would be a grand day to watch the video from my high school grad party...nearly 10 years ago....
I smiled when I saw this one and the 2 month old TINY baby....cried when the heaven dwelling brother showed up on screen...and had a good laugh at the adeptness (stop laughing.) of my volleyball skills...
then I decided the day must be productive.
And how is this done? Simple!
Find the laundry room floor after cleaning out the linen closets a couple weeks ago and discovering that EVERYTHING must be washed.

Check on the strawberry muffins...(forgot to take the pic of them in the bowl...sorry...)

Pair the uber yummy muffin with a raspberry cappuccino...

Serve to the adorable fiance...

Let him read for a bit....

and then venture off!!!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
Seriously, if I don't pass this thing, I am going to sit down and cry. It was gruelling, and long and stretched the brain and such...good thing I studied hard!! I read the review materials and felt pretty prepared for it. Fortunately, a lot of it was common sense stuff so that helped.
The first part, I have no idea how I did, nor how to gauge. The other parts went pretty well...two of them I felt really good about, and the last one I think I did ok....
but I'm done thinking about it because if I rehash it for the next 45 days I'll drive myself crazy (shush. I know.)
So the rest of the weekend was nice. When I got to Bug's house after the last part of the test, he made me a wonderful dinner (sorry, I was too fried to take pics)....Butternut squash, basted with grape seed oil, (which I'm pretty sure was infused with rosemary and garlic) and then he sprinkled a little shredded Parmesan on top and baked it...*drool* it was SO good!!!
He paired it with fresh Tuscan bread and asparagus risotto. Yup, that man loves me!!!!
Then we vegged and watched "The Next Iron Chef" and I went home and fell into bed!
We had a party for his aunt's birthday yesterday which was great fun and got to dance to "our song" for the first time :-) Which is kinda funny 'cause we've had a song for a few years now...but it was nice. His cousin who was DJing announced "the future Mr. and Mrs. B_____" while we were dancing and everyone cheered for us. awww shucks....
Well that's our was yours?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sister Fest!
so, set down the coffee, lest you spit it at your screen.........and venture into the abridged version (Read: K needs to send the rest of the pics...these are the ones taken with my phone)
H and Eye thought it would be cool for H to come as a surprise for K and then head for the we were waiting (K not knowing she was waiting......)
Mom kept sending interesting pics to sent her this....asking if she ever had the feeling somebody's watching her.....

so Monday night....I picked up K and headed for the homestead....H got there somewhere around 10:30ish.......and then the silliness began!!
would you trust these people??

Crazy pants + legs of iron = watchout!! :-)

I am the leg wrestling QUEEN!!
and then a little love to make her feel....better?

so anyway...that was Monday...
Tuesday we headed for the Salon (and once K gets her rump in gear and sends the REST of the pics, this can be a much better post, LOL)
And thus beginneth the process!!

I'm smiling because now I can get HBO as I walk....

Beauty requires jet fuel you know....

My mission: to discover if blondes really do have more fun!!!!
All in all it was a great time - we got to hang for the first time in forever and seriously - have you ever seen a group of hotter sisters? ;-)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
we're under 300 days until the wedding!!
Does this excite anyone else?
tee hee...
Things are going well...still pretty much in the same holding pattern....trying to nail down a concrete idea for favors...(Bug isn't sure about the cookie cutters)
however, God is providing in wonderful ways and we're feeling a little less of strangle hold than before with regards to the finances...but still waiting for Him to lift the burden of the house (I know, you're sick of hearing it...I'm sick of saying it....but He's got to have some big plan right??)
Today Jeff Hoy talked about unexpected answers to it's cool to pray specifically...but not to be shocked if your prayer is answered in another way...Naomi lost her sons...but she got Ruth....and then Boaz and a grandson....a kinsman redeemer to kind of patch up her cracked world...not what she was expecting...and yet....exactly met the needs....
So today my mission is to stop determining that this answer to prayer is only the way I see it (much more money or someone to buy it....) but maybe there's a whole nother option I've never thought to consider.....
Monday, October 15, 2007
and then when you keep worrying...and He's got to use the 2x4...yeah...that's me....
and I open my email this morning...
and Dr. Jeff Hoy is waiting there....well, not actually Jeff Hoy.....but my daily devotional from him...
and I read it....and I smile and say "Ok, God, I get it now...." and here's where I pray that I do...
The Careful WaitWords of Faith 10-15-07
Dr. Jeffrey D.
Faith Fellowship ChurchMelbourne, FL
To unsubscribe follow the directions at the end of this E-mail
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Ruth 3 [16] When Ruth came to her mother in law, Naomi asked, "How did it go, my daughter?" Then she told her everything Boaz had done for her [17] and added, "He gave me these six measures of barley, saying, 'Don't go back to your mother in law empty handed.' " [18] Then Naomi said, "Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today."
In our age of immediate gratification, the thing we often struggle with the most is waiting. We will do almost anything to avoid having to wait. We love the 10 minute oil change and the 60 minute cleaner so much that we may begin to think that our relationship with God should work in the same way. Name it claim it I want it NOW, God.
Ruth knew better. She knew there was no "microwave prayer". Because of the complexity of the situation, Boaz was unable to immediately respond by marrying Ruth and "redeeming" her and Naomi. He made a commitment that, one way or another, redemption would take place either by marriage to Boaz or to another kinsman who stood in line. But the "answer" would have to wait. Ruth would have to wait.
Now don't miss this! Notice the care that Boaz gave to be sure that Ruth did not return home "empty handed". Though there was a wait before an answer would come Ruth did not leave the threshing floor empty handed. Even in the time of waiting there were six measures of blessing!
There are times when we go to God with a need. We offer the fragrance of praise. We are washed and ready to hear from Him. We approach Him in humility and our heart is surrendered to His Lordship. But his answer is... "wait". It may not be our favorite answer, but, if we learn from the story of Ruth, we know that God has His very best in mind for us. And we know that there is a blessing that comes in the waiting.
We do not leave "empty handed". The job we prayed for may not be immediate, but He gives a blessing in the time of waiting. We may not immediately see the ultimate goal of God, but we will walk away with six measures of blessing if our arms are open to receive. There may be a measure of the fruit of the Spirit called patience. The Lord may teach us a measure of compassion that we will forever carry toward others in situations similar to ours. He may pour into our shawl a big measure of faith that is able to trust God not just when answers are quick and flashy but when they are slow and subtle.
Are you waiting? Waiting on the Lord? Waiting for an answer? Open your arms and receive the measure of blessing He has for you. You will not leave empty handed.
Lord, I am open to Your timing and to Your blessing. Teach me in the times of waiting. I trust You. Your ways are not my ways and Your thoughts are not my thoughts. I trust Your timing and Your wisdom. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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Dr. Jeffrey D. Hoy - Faith Fellowship Church (EFCA)http://www.faithfellowshipweb.compastorjeff@faithfellowshipweb.com2
820 Business Center Blvd.
Melbourne, Florida 32940 (321)-259-7200
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SUBSCRIPTIONS To receive the Words of Faith devotion five days a week, send an E-mail message addressed to To stop receiving Words of Faith, send an E-mail message addressed to The daily devotion and archive are posted at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thursday, October 11, 2007
so what's new?
well....the Bug is wearing a brown suit and delivering packages, Eye is working, working, trying to certify (CAP) and babysitting a ton.....
wedding planning....getting some cool ideas for the face of our programs....trying to budget and figure out a way to make sure all the people we want can be there...which means God needs to pour out a ton o' money on us!
and then there's the house....I gotta be honest....I just plain do not understand what God is doing here....yeah, it was a blessing when I bought's blessed Nathaniel and others....but it's also a huge drain on my financial, physical, emotional and mental I don't get why God hasn't lifted that burden.....I mean, I've asked, seeked and's the deal?
ok. whining session over.
We've had a wonderfully mild fall thus far in the B city....which has been nice given my opinion on snow..........and as all of you lovely folks remember....this was the time of year last year when the snow got dumped HARD on us.....I had just come back from recuperating on my momma's couch after having my gall bladder removed (yes, I know. I never posted. but in my defense...K never sent the pics....).....and well....cold weather and a tender body don't go well together. So I'm praising God quite a bit for the mildness....
Monday, October 08, 2007
Thank you God
Monday, September 24, 2007
Riddle Answer.....
and the answer is.....
Our invitations!!
Yup. We got 200 invitations, with envelopes AND 200 response cards, with envelopes....for $20!!!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Engagement Pics!
in the blink of an eye....
It made me stop and think about all of those little moments that we don't even think about - making sure to say "I love you" at the end of a phone call - to kiss your family goodnight and goodbye...
...For a while after Shawn passed...whenever one of us would leave, my mother would say "If I don't see you here, I'll see you there!" Our wonderful hope that there is something more, that we will see each other again - that there is really truly more than this life - that blessed hope - doesn't always stop the flow of the tears as we mourn - and I'll be honest, sometimes the reminder even makes one angry - but when we stop to think about it.....that blessed hope is what keeps us going - to know our wonderful Father cares enough to watch over us while we're here, to carry us home to Him when we've tarried long enough...although it doesn't ever seem long enough does it?
Father God,
I thank you for your sovereignty. I thank you for your mighty plans and for the fact that you never look away - even for a second.
Monday, September 17, 2007
A Riddle For You!
This weekend Bug and Eye spent $20 on something for our wedding....Can you guess what it is?
I'm sure I can come up with some sort of a prize or something....
Friday, September 07, 2007
Happy Anniversary Bug!
Out of nowhere you kissed me....and once again sealed my heart to yours - only this time we knew it would be forever. I love you so much honey and I can't wait to marry you (just 344 days to go!)
We've shared so many happy memories

We've shared laughter

Smiles and hugs

those adoring looks that make everyone but us nauseated....(and really wish I could insert a pic but it just plain wouldn't cooperate...)
Bug, you have my heart, always and forever and I promise to be a Proverbs 31 woman for you.
You've gilated me, given me more itis than I know what to do with and taught me to treasure 50-11....I'll always be your Eye and your Babe
I love you so much more than I can find the words to say.
Monday, August 27, 2007
OOh! Lookie!!
and these are our two an email went to our wonderful BMs and hopefully they like them as much as we do... (and I didn't know when he was taking the pic or I would have smiled or something other than looking like I want to go to sleep......) much to do!! We gotta do our engagement announcement which will be either in the W town or O town paper since I grew up 'round those parts...and the wedding announcement in the B one....
We gotta figure out what we actually need to register for it and do it....we gotta find a photographer and invitations....and then we need God to send us a whole bunch of money....but He can do it!!
We designed our rings.....and of course Terry is making them.....and now we gotta figure out new favors since we discovered that the personalized M&Ms are $11 per 7 oz bag.....
yeah...not so much...
I like the idea of cookie cutters.....hmmmm....well...we've got a little time to play with.....
Good Reminder...
No matter how hard my journey has been, no matter how weary I've it feels like I'm hanging on by my fingernails...I'm never alone, and the bridge is being built so the road can lead me home....
I was sitting last night alone with my thoughts trying to figure out how to decide which battles were worth picking....and I got sad and everything I'm dealing with right now came down upon my head and I had a hard time picking it up....and then this morning, my wonderful savior sent me a song....along with this verse on my calendar "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint" Jeremiah 31:25 NIV
Mark Schultz - I HAVE BEEN THERE
From the album - SONG CINEMA
Label - Word (2001)
In a room without a view
A new mother smiles and holds the tiny fingers of her brand new baby girl
Her husband takes her by the hand
So unsure about the future and no money can they make it in this world
And they pray, Lord all we have to give is love
Then they heard a gentle voice, like an echo from above
I have been there
I know what fear is all about
Yes, I have been there
I’m standing with you now
I have been there
And I came to build a bridge oh so this road could lead you home
Oh, I have been there
He’d been a pastor twenty years
But tonight he sits alone and broken-hearted in the corner of the church
He’s tried to save a fallen world
With his words and with his wisdom but it seems like it’s only getting worse
And he cried, Oh Lord I just don’t understand
And then he felt the hand of grace and he heard a voice that said
Yes, I have been there
I know what pain is all about
I have been there
And I am standing with you now
I have been there
And I came to build a bridge oh so this road could lead you home
Oh, I have been there
An older man up on a hill
Holding flowers but he can’t hold back the tears he has come to say goodbye
He thinks about the life she lived
Thinks about how hard it’s been to live without her sixty years right by his side
And he cries, Oh Lord I loved her ‘till the end
Then he heard a gentle voice say you’ll see her once again
I have been there
I know what sorrow is all about
Yes, I have been there
And I am standing with you now
I have been there
And I came to build a bridge oh so this road could lead her home
The road could lead her home
Oh, I have been there
Well, I overcame the cross
I have been there
So her life would not be lost
I have been there
And I came to build a bridge oh so this road could lead you home
The road could lead you home
Oh, I have been there
Good stuff yeah? Right now in my devotions I'm studying a passage in Ephesians 6 - where are told that we do not wrestle flesh and blood - and how it doesn't get easier - that's a hard one to swallow - that it doesn't get easier the deeper we get with God - yes, we are better equipped - but we also know that there are more attacks - we're a bigger threat - so we fight the urge to sit down and shut up and hope that Satan leaves us alone - we fight down that urge and don our armor....and fight on.....the trick is to remember we do have armor, and we do have a Champion...and we are never ever alone....even when we cry silent tears into the night...even when the sobs wrack the body....even when the all the tears are cried....never alone....I bet if we stopped to look for it, we'd feel those comforting arms every time....and know the tears are seen, felt and counted....
So here is where I pick up my head, brush aside the tears and look for the joy to overflow my soul
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Today's Gotta Be a Good One!
my house is being shown at 1:00!
it's close to Friday!
I'm looking for more reasons.............
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
worn out on wednesday
the word of the week is vacation!
how are you?
Monday, August 13, 2007
I got to use my kitchen!!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Open up before God, keep nothing back; he'll do whatever needs to be done: He'll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon. Quiet down before God, be prayerful before him Psalm 37:5-7 Message Version
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 NIV
Mmmm now that is beyond Chicken Soup for the Soul...I dare call that cheesecake for the soul!!!!
and now for your amusement....
a conversation that took place between Daddy and Eye this morning:
Eye: Can you write me a note and get me out of work today? I wanna go home and play!
Daddy: for both of us...
Eye: ok! I'll write one for you and you write one for me!
Eye: Mr. [DAD's BOSS] Sir, Please allow my daddy to stay home from work today as he is in desperate need of play time. Sincerely, Lil' Miss Jami Leigh.
Daddy: Mr. Boss Man, Please allow my Pumkin to stay home and have a Play Day... She needs one desperately bad. Sincerely, The Father
Daddy: Think it will work?
Eye: I hope so!!
Have I mentioned that I love my daddy?
And I get to see him this weekend!! (and anyone else that feels like venturing toward that little village where my homestead is....)
OH! and PRAY - new realtor checking out the house Saturday at 10:30 a.m......Pray that I have wisdom and discernment about whether I should sign with them, and wisdom about pricing and all of those things that go along with it.
Thank you!
and May God Bless Your Socks Off Today!!!!
Monday, August 06, 2007
and welcome to monday....
bright light indicator light thingy on the dash is I try turning the brights on and off...nope.
so here I sit, upset and frazzled and in tears because my lights are on and my car is off and I'm at work until 5 and the maintenance guy couldn't get my battery disconnected.
I'm pretty much at my wits end with things lately anyway...and then this...ugh.
so if you happen to pop by and read this today...please pray for me...
Saturday, August 04, 2007
oh yeah...

Ok. that took all of my energy....sad isn't it....
what's new you ask?
well, a new realtor is checking out the ole' homestead next weekend...pray that they are successful with a quick sell!
I'm seeking a new mode of transportation as my current one seems to need repairs just a little bit too is crazy...took on some new responsibilities....Bug is wonderful...he's got a little surprise planned for me this afternoon so I'm wicked excited....if he takes pics, I'll post them...and he said he felt another blog brewing...but....alas.....seen it I have not.....ooh...Yoda....
yeah, maybe just a little random today...but it's a random kind of's nice and sunny and hot and I'm running on very little sleep and for some reason just in a typing kind of mood so here I sit, hopefully entertaining you more than boring you...
determining whether I'm moving back to Cuba for a bit....which could be great or suck, depending upon the day I'm thinking...although, I do miss my's rather nice having all of your belongings in one place.....oh well. God's plan is still going...I have yet to see him get bored and leave me drowning...don't think he's about to start.
let's see...what else?
well, we had a great time at the family reunion other than Bug's sister getting hurt (she's ok now).
I love his side of the family (not that I don't love mine) but his Uncle who's the pastor is just hilarious!
He loves to tell Rindercella and her sisty step uglers...the pee little thrigs.....beeping sleauty....he's also the one that will be marrying us :-D
We rented a delightful car to take with us....and I've decided if God blesses my finances to that point - I want a new Dodge Caliber....pretty ;-D
moving right along....
I think I'm out of updates.
are you bored?
are you wishing I had more to say?
well....ask a question and I shall create a post to answer!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
words...inspiration....healing balm....
Sweet Jesus, I'm waiting. I'm here on bended knee.
I need you, to heal me. Please come and set me free.
Reaching out, I touch the nails...see your was bleeding for me!
My words...only fail...'till I cry...with my whole being...
Forgive me. "The Confession" Dave Miller
My Lord and Savior,
you see my tears, you feel my pains, you know my greatest joys and were there for every moment, you never leave me. Your word does not return to you void.
Bless this day and prove yourself strong and faithful over again. I love you Father, and I know the plans you have for me are to prosper and not harm me and I thank you for them.
Grow me this day, stretch me and mold me....make me the woman you designed me to be. Remind me of the words you've given me and sustain me. I praise your wonderful Name forever,
This has been a trying month for me...somewhat of a roller coaster....
Last night I had the privilege of sitting under Pastor James McDonald. He taught from Acts 12...about how God is in control even when....
and the two that stuck with me were: when my faith is weak and when it looks like my enemy is was kind of funny....he asked if we are ever like "GOD!! Get him!!!" and as I laughed I admitted, yes....I do that...."but God!! why are you letting them be blessed! they are BAD!!" "But God!! I pray, I tithe, I read my Bible! Why haven't you answered each and every one of my demands!!"
Could be because I didn't leave them on the altar when I walked away...maybe it's because I would love to think I trusted him enough....but at the heart of it...I held on to my backup plans....
So today, my task/mission/quest...thing.... is to die to self, to take my hands off..."look God, no hands!" and let him work 'cause let's face it....He's a lot better at this stuff than I am.
I close with this:
Put God in charge of your work, then what you've planned will take place....We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live." Proverbs 16:3,9 MSG
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Yes, it hurts.
Monday, July 16, 2007
It's Monday already?
in two weeks we're headed for Bug's family reunion....nice four day weekend....I'd like a 30 day weekend.....
so things are good....about the same....but I figured I'd stop by and say hello.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
So Bug tried sushi. It was amusing. Those that know my other half know that adventure and food do not belong in the same paragraph unless there is also a "no freakin' way" this amused me greatly.
Not much else is new.....I need to get pics of the changing environment around the little white house that needs a new owner.....doing my best to not get discouraged there....I know, old song, old words...I'm moving on....
Work is about the same. Blo is HOT and muggy and for some reason it's made me pensive and all I really want to do is go home and curl up and read or something.
Although a wonderful friend from the days of yore....(sidebar....I am SO loving that all the friends from the days of yore are back!) anyway.....this wonderful friend has shown me the wonder that is The West Wing ....amazing show. So I've seen seasons 1 and 2 and now I need to grab some lunch with her to a) lament the things I didn't like in the seasons 2) catch up on what's been shaking since I saw her last week and d) get season 3 (and she's probably reading this laughing at me.....p.s. you can comment without creating an account should you desire to publicly show your amusement at my silliness....just do the anonymous or other category or whatever it's called :-D)
but yeah. there's your "update" of sorts....yes. I'm a boring sort today.
love me anyway.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Yes. We are easily amused and Dollar Stores ROCK

And now for the dollar store adventure.....
It says "Bride to Be"....gotta love dollar store wedding supplies!!

Veil Schmeil.....this is a much classier look, right?

No....YOU eat it!

Apparently that was not the thing to say....

But fortunately....we have a WARRIOR in our midst!!

This concludes today's look at a couple who have entirely too much fun in stores where EVERYTHING'S A DOLLAR!! (except the things that aren't....)
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
My turn! My turn!
Yesterday was my future SIL's birthday...she's got a major lovin' for my fettuccine I promised it to her for dinner.....
MORE MUSHROOMS! We need many more mushrooms...and some marsala!
here's where we start by giving some red onions a little sweat time in some olive oil...then add some garlic, spices and once we have a good sweat going...drop in some marsala.....then come the SHROOMS!!!

and here it is all done up nice and purty like....pasta, alfredo, many shrooms.....

and what good is pasta without some bread....with a mixture of minced and roasted garlic, Italian herbs and spices and some sundried tomato and basil mozzarella on top?

So Bug serves up the bread....

and FSIL says (and I really do quote)

"If I were wearing jeans, they'd be unbuttoned"
I'd say it was a successful dinner :-D
Happy Birthday TawnTawn!
coming soon: Our trip to the dollar store!!! (you won't want to miss it....)