Saturday, August 04, 2007


It's Saturday!
Ok. that took all of my energy....sad isn't it....
what's new you ask?
well, a new realtor is checking out the ole' homestead next weekend...pray that they are successful with a quick sell!
I'm seeking a new mode of transportation as my current one seems to need repairs just a little bit too is crazy...took on some new responsibilities....Bug is wonderful...he's got a little surprise planned for me this afternoon so I'm wicked excited....if he takes pics, I'll post them...and he said he felt another blog brewing...but....alas.....seen it I have not.....ooh...Yoda....
yeah, maybe just a little random today...but it's a random kind of's nice and sunny and hot and I'm running on very little sleep and for some reason just in a typing kind of mood so here I sit, hopefully entertaining you more than boring you...
determining whether I'm moving back to Cuba for a bit....which could be great or suck, depending upon the day I'm thinking...although, I do miss my's rather nice having all of your belongings in one place.....oh well. God's plan is still going...I have yet to see him get bored and leave me drowning...don't think he's about to start.
let's see...what else?
well, we had a great time at the family reunion other than Bug's sister getting hurt (she's ok now).
I love his side of the family (not that I don't love mine) but his Uncle who's the pastor is just hilarious!
He loves to tell Rindercella and her sisty step uglers...the pee little thrigs.....beeping sleauty....he's also the one that will be marrying us :-D
We rented a delightful car to take with us....and I've decided if God blesses my finances to that point - I want a new Dodge Caliber....pretty ;-D
moving right along....
I think I'm out of updates.
are you bored?
are you wishing I had more to say?
well....ask a question and I shall create a post to answer!

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