Friday, September 07, 2007

Happy Anniversary Bug!

Four years ago today...

Out of nowhere you kissed me....and once again sealed my heart to yours - only this time we knew it would be forever. I love you so much honey and I can't wait to marry you (just 344 days to go!)

We've shared so many happy memories

We've shared laughter

Smiles and hugs

those adoring looks that make everyone but us nauseated....(and really wish I could insert a pic but it just plain wouldn't cooperate...)

Bug, you have my heart, always and forever and I promise to be a Proverbs 31 woman for you.

You've gilated me, given me more itis than I know what to do with and taught me to treasure 50-11....I'll always be your Eye and your Babe

I love you so much more than I can find the words to say.


mira said...

huh, thought I'd commented on this already. Anyway, 4 years is a long time! Good for you two, and hurry up and get married already!

Bug and Eye said...

Thank you!!
LOL - yeah we're just a touch anxious....that day can hurry up anytime now!!