Wednesday, March 19, 2008

So that's why my calves hurt...

I took 10,406 steps yesterday (which translates to a little over five miles). I also consumed 7 cups of fruits and veggies!
This challenge could not have come at a more perfect time...I've been griping about wanting to get in shape and lose some weight before the wedding....and having a challenge to be accountable to (I have to log my steps and cups every day) takes the focus off how many pounds did I lose, did I exceed my points? (I'm not as disciplined as she is - I give that woman lots o' snaps!)

See....I'm focusing on getting all my cups in...which means I'm eating a lot less of the other stuff 'cause by the time I get all my cups, I'm usually not hungry anymore....and please be sure you are seated for this next part....
Yesterday....I ate grapes instead of chocolate....and DID NOT WANT THE CANDY.
See - proof that God performs miracles every day :-)

So...let's see what happens today!


Mrs. Guthrie said...

*lol* good job, chickie... feed your body enough good stuff and that's what it starts craving!!! Good for you! :)

mira said... amuses me is that I know what movie you're referencing.

gee, I wonder how many cups of fruits/veggies I devour in a day. I may not be losing weight (ha) or counting steps (though stairsteps while holding a 30# kiddo and carrying another 2# kiddo should definitely count as double), but I CAN eat, lol!

Good for you.

Bug and Eye said...

I'm getting there! Yesterday I did 11,238 steps and 8 cups! I've also discovered the wonder that is v8 fusion juice :-)