Thursday, March 27, 2008

pensive on a thursday.....

did you check out our countdown clock?
It's amazing how quickly it's coming up....and I keep getting more and more excited....
the wedding is pretty much planned and now we wait for God to rain down money...but long as there's him, two rings and someone who can legally pronounce us man and wife....the rest doesn't even matter.
At the risk of appearing like a bowl of oatmeal....
I never imagined it was possible to love someone this be able to put another human so far above myself and not feel like I was WANT to cook for him and meet his needs and never have it occur to me to feel like I'm beneath him....for "submit" to be a welcome's amazing how just the sound of his voice can soothe a hectic his arms around me make me feel like there is nothing that can ever hurt me....
Interesting huh? as little girls, daddy can do anything - when daddy gets home, the house becomes safe, the monsters, boogie men and other such nastiness all goes away....and we get a little older and he promises to injure the boy that makes us cry....and then we get a little older and daddy starts to pass the torch to the husband wonder women tend to look for men like their father.
I tell ya, my daddy has always been my hero....I can remember, I was around 17 or 18....and had a BAD reaction to an antibiotic and was convinced I was going to die alone on the dad came home and held me and got some honey in me and looked up the medication and those simple words "I've got you pumpkin" and I no longer thought I'd die.....
...and then I can remember lying in a hospital bed with tubes in my arm and monitors beeping and doctors rushing around trying to slow my heart down and I looked up and there was my Bug....and I knew it would be OK....

Why? because these are good men...which goes beyond the whole hero thing....they are men of God and they pray and they take their roles as Godly men very seriously.....and that right there is worth more than any gift, any medal any anything.

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