Tuesday, March 04, 2008

say huh??

It was 63º yesterday.....59º when I left for work at 6:45 a.m.....
This morning....at 6:45....it was 30º.
Does anyone else see a misfire in that logic? *pout* I was all excited at the warm stuff....all the snow in the front yard melted....I didn't need to wear four layers to bed last night...it was great....and then....today.....with a winter storm warning in effect and "significant icing" possible. Man...they had better be talking about frosting!
So far it's been an OK week I guess....still rebounding from being sick....looking forward to next week...leave work at 5 on Wednesday.....head for Homeville.....and stay there for five nights and four days....*sigh* it's gonna be GREAT!!!


Mrs. Guthrie said...

oh no, there is no misfire.... it is simply WNY. 'Nuff said.

Bug and Eye said...

yep. if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes....