Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Oh yeah...did I mention...

So......last week.....
My little brother N bought a sparkly something....dropped to a knee and asked a question :-)
I got a text at 7 a.m. Thursday saying "B decided she'd wear the ring I bought her"
OOH!!!! Color us excited! B&N are adorable together, and I gotta say, she's really terrific for's great to see him so happy!!
Pic to come if they send me one (and if you two are reading this HINT HINT)


mira said...

did you tell him he's not allowed to walk the aisle before you do? 'Cus I definitely would.

and yes, a pic would be nice.

mira said...

oh yeah, and tell him I said congrats :)

Bug and Eye said...

LOL he actually asked if I'd be mad if he did...I told him no...but from what they are saying they want a fall wedding.
I did however tell my sister that should love overcome her she is NOT allowed to walk first :-D
I sent his fiancee a message asking for one. She's a doll!! She was actually on the same missions trip to Russia with him in high school.