Tuesday, March 02, 2010


and if you're a Scrubs fan, you're laughing at my subject line right now...
if you're not a Scrubs fan, you're very confused right now.

There. Glad I could clear that up. Catch you next time.

ha ha, just kidding.

So.....what's new in Bug and Eye's world? Not a whole heck of a lot. I'm feeling better today, no more constant burny pain which is nice, but quite annoyed that a banana gave me heartburn. It's the first thing on the list of the BRAT diet!!!!! But whatever. Talked to the doc...my calcium is a little low....but I'm not surprised given that I've been eating boring rice and bananas and crackers and some jello.....but today I have some yogurt for lunch and we'll see how that goes.
Ooh...has anyone ever tried Monkey Brains? We stumbled upon them in the organic section at Wegmans and oh mama are they yummerific....and they seem to go easy on the digestive system.

Boy. there sure are a lot of posts about my innards lately. hrm. sorry about that.
Honestly, I feel like I have had the ever lovin' tar beaten out of me, and I'm exhausted and tired of being sore and not being able to just eat whatever is in the fridge without thinking about how much it will hurt later....so......I'm trying to think about Isaiah and a song from high school chapel... I'm thinking Mira and Mrs. G will remember it.....
Do you not know, have you not heard? the Lord is the everlasting God the creator of the ends of the earth, He will not grow tired or weary...and His understanding...no one can fathom....He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak....hallelujah, hallelujah......

So....I'm trying to get that stuck in my head today and move on.....

1 comment:

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Thumbs up, girl. Good song to have stuck. :)