Monday, March 29, 2010

*contented sigh*

I've been with my husband for about 6.5 years...we've been married a little over 1.5 years....and every day I find myself loving him more, being more attracted to him and life without him is a further distant feels like I've always been his wife....and at the same time like it was just yesterday that I was walking down the aisle in a very heavy white dress still beaming that this amazing and wonderful man picked ME.

It's like he spends his days dreaming up new ways to make me feel special and loved. And when that man looks at me I know that I'm the only star in his sky and that he doesn't think that a more beautiful woman exists - and that makes me smile.

I had discovered quite a long time ago that I needed to thank God for my husband every day, to pray for him, to pray for our marriage and to make sure that God is at the center of it - and let me just tell you - it makes marriage that much richer.

1 comment:

Mrs. Guthrie said...

thumbs up girlie!! :) Thanks for the reminder to thank God for our fantastic hubbies!!