Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I woke up just not feeling like myself today...then little things throughout my morning continued to poke me and deflate me and now I'm just feeling very quiet, very introverted and discouraged today.

I fell way off track while we were vacationing....I'm trying not to beat myself up, and trying to focus on moving forward and planning a nice walk with my husband tonight.I got my biopsy results - Praise the Lord, nothing scary is wrong. It's the reflux issue ...which is treated with meds and diet - kind of a pain to deal with, but better than many of the alternatives! besides - God healed my heart - why not my stomach too?

We had a great time in Virginia visiting some friends and hugging on a baby.

We also got to to go the Crime & Punishment museum in D.C. - now that is a wicked cool place. We spent a few hours there, got some starbucks and headed off for foods.....delightful!

1 comment:

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Glad you had a great vaca... DON'T beat yourself up about falling off track... (I'm there, too)... Just remember that today is a new day and work on that.