"Now to him who can keep you on your feet, standing tall in his bright presence, fresh and celebrating - to our one God, our only Savior, through Jesus Christ, our Master, be glory, majesty, strength, and rule before all time, and now, and to the end of time." Jude 1:24-25 Message Version
So...as you know, we took Bug's car in and prayed hard....
Then we picked it up Saturday and learned that the whole problem had been a bad vaccume hose. How cool is our God???
Yesterday, we celebrated his mom's 60th birthday with stuffed shells and a hockey game...was fun....even though our beloved Sabres lost....rather tragic, but I'm sure we will get past it ;-)
and it's SUNNY in Buffalo on a Monday morning....
this has to be a good sign, right?
Oh yeah...and we picked out our wedding cake...it's very "us" unique :-D
and no...I wasn't able to confiscate his camera to get the pictures of everything (Christmas, Valentines, Weddings, and our adventure...)....he said he'd get to it later.....hopefully he means this week.....
good verse, needed it today
I love when God does that
mmm stuffed shells... i always make a full box and freeze half, such a great busy day meal.
now the song with that verse in it is stuck in my head. not a bad thing!
I so love that song!
and leftovers are always a good thing. I got all ambitious the other night and made a few different pasta dishes and froze them in individual servings....gotta love the versalitiy of whole wheat rotini!!!
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