Thursday, December 28, 2006


I have the code and everything.
Now, why won't it work when I put it into our template code?....the blogger nav bar blocks it...
tragic huh? [insert puppy eyed plea for help from someone smarter than me and I seem to have broken my links'll be taking donations to buy me a clue....]" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="350" height="60" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" \>


Mrs. Guthrie said...

ok, chic, what is it that you are trying to do?? I *MAY* be able to help?? Love you.

Anonymous said...

umm yeah your links don't go anywhere. it's so sad and unfortunate.

Bug and Eye said...

well this post is a nifty countdown clock that ticks off the time to our wedding...the blogger nav bar keeps blocking it...
....and the links on the side bar go to waasup and your blog and they just plain don't like me.....

Anonymous said...

I copied and pasted the link and it worked. that's alotta days, hours, and minutes. no real html help though because, like I said, my mommy does it for me.

Anonymous said...

hey, jeanette, I remember you. short hair, nose ring maybe? anyway, we met once in cuba.

Anonymous said...

ps: it looks like for the links in your sidebar, you just need to delete the first part of each link from the html. like the one for us says instead of just I presume that wouldn't be too difficult...

Bug and Eye said...

hmmmm I'll hafta try that...and yeah...lotsa time...but with the size of our's just enough time to get organized and get them

Mrs. Guthrie said...

check your mail. Love you

Bug and Eye said...

SWEET! Thank you!! Now my links work!!
next step...posting our countdown clock so that the nav bar doesn't hide it....suggestions? :-)
I love having smart friends :-D