Thursday, January 11, 2007


so we've been asked the following questions lately:
What's new?
Bug is teaching Bible study Thursday nights and it's going very well...we're studying Matthew...Eye was promoted and is now a lead woo woo, don't we just rock?

How are the wedding plans going?
Really good...we went to a bridal show last weekend...ate a lot of cake, talked to a lot of photographers, a few dance instructors and a million reception halls.....

When's the date?
August 16, 2008

Where will it be?
Wedding is at our Church on Wherle Drive, Reception at the Hearthstone Manor (

How big?
Pretty small actually....probably close family and some church family...kinda funny...everyone had us pegged for a huge one....

How's the promotion going?
Super good....starting to get into the swing of things and learning more about the job...

How's church?
Good, Bug's still playing guitar, I'm still singing...and once my belly is totally finished healing, I'm gonna start playing my sax....

Has your house sold yet?
*sniffle* nope. But I'm sure God's got a big plan that I'm oblivious I keep trusting him to meet our needs....

so....those are the most frequently asked questions. What's funny is I'm already bombarded with the "when are the kids coming" questions....I usually say somewhere around a few years after we manage to get down the aisle.....
I's in the water at work....there is a baby due every month until July.....

anyway...that's what's new. I realize I owe a surgery story and there is actually one person intersted in seeing it...and hounding me...which is funny.....
so now I gotta get pics.....and post...and well....I'm working on it....
Granted, not as cool as Mrs. Waaz's birth story...but then again, I didn't grow a baby and bring it into the world.... :-D


Anonymous said...

yeah, popping a kid out while on the toilet is kinda interesting, unless you're the dad who was NOT planning on being in a position to see everything. Oh well, it's his kid too. ;-)

yes, pics would be nice, although probably not so nice if they're close-ups of the battle scene.

Saw your email, then forgot about replying and didn't check my email again until today. what a bad corespondent (is that how you spell it? I always thought two r's, but my spell-checker is confused).

smaller is cheaper and easier. A certain close relative of mine is "planning" for immediate family and grandparents and wedding party only, I think it'll be great.

I was casually asked to sing at our chapel...haha...apparently they think knowing all the words is equal to singing I'm doing sunday school for little people instead.

ooh, long comment. does that let me off the hook on emailing you back?!

Bug and Eye said...

yeah I suppose you're off the hook...and since they did it laporascopically or however the snot you spell isn't too bad...although before the surgery i told Kasey I was gonna tell everyone I got in a gun fight...although after surgery Billy said it looks more like knife wounds...pretty small and healing up nicely...I should be able to get my belly repierced soon :-D
most of the pics are kasey having a captive audience...for the first few days I couldn't move without assistance...even with the loritab...and after that it was the loritab that kept me still...yeah...some classic woof faces :-D