Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Life Is Good.

I'm sitting on my couch, listening to Bug play his guitar and sing while Bean dances around singing. She's thrilled because she gets to stay up a little late today since she took such an amazing nap. (YAY!)

The scale said I lost a little more weight, and I was satisfied to eat a big bunch of celery with just a little bit of first chocolate in a few weeks. Man that tasted good...and even a bit rich.  Half a serving was more than enough to quell the sweet tooth and I didn't even sit there wishing for more.

Man my man can SING.
sorry. well no I'm not. He's good.  And he's adding a nice relaxing element to our evening.

So Bean had us laughing was a rare night when we let her come to the master bedroom for bedtime.  She calls it "our room" and she loves the "big bed" ...although more often than not she calls it "our bed" these days.  She's all tucked in between us, kisses have been given and all is quiet.  I'm about to drift off when I hear "um guys, can you roll over?"  Apparently the smallest member of the family requires the most space for sleeping.  After I stopped laughing she announced that she was "stuck" and wanted to go to her room.  I tucked her in and she looked up at me with those huge beautiful sparkly blue eyes and said "are you happy mommy? are you proud of me?"  I kissed her and scooped her up to sit in the rocking chair for a bit.
Me: I'm very happy, peanut and I am SO proud of you.
Bean: 'Cause I'm a good girl!
Me: Yes you are. and you're sweet, and kind and have such a tender heart.
Bean: We be kind and respectful.
Me: *choking back tears* Yes, sweetheart we should be kind and respectful.
Bean: I need to use your pillow because I love you.

I love how her little mind works.  And she is always thinking, listening. observing...she remembered that mommy is supposed to be taking it easy (injured back..grrrrr mommies don't get days off, but this particular mommy has an amazing husband who washes dishes and does laundry and says to stay off my feet as much as I can and not to worry about the housework.)
I was washing a couple of dishes tonight and Bean was watching.
Bean: Mommy are you washing dishes?
Me: Yes I am.
Bean: are you supposed to do that? MOMMY! Don't do dishes! Sit DOWN!

and I leave you with our post nap conversation
Me: you took a great nap, Peanut!
Bean: I'm feeling a little cold so you have to snuggle me.

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