venturing through blogdom and picking up my phone, I've been surrounded with news of babies! Very exciting! Lots of little ones to borrow :)
Things are pretty good on our end...we said goodbye to the neon with the failing transmission...we said hello to the "new" Buick (oh Eye LOVE it!).
We're working tons, but that's how bills get paid, right? I'm down 2 pounds total from my ventures into healthier lifestyle....I'm bummed that it's only 2 pounds.....but....I should also be thrilled that it's at least stayed steady for a little bit. Wanna hear something funny? Yesterday, I thought I BLEW my day....I over did it on the fiber during the day so my stomach was good and mad by the time I got I fixed a grilled cheese sandwich and grabbed a small handful of chips.....thinking, eh, at least I'll feel better. Logged into Spark this morning....I was UNDER my calorie goals for the day! ha!
This weekend we're heading to LittleCVille for the youngest nephew's first birthday party (he turned one yesterday....where did the year go??). I called my sister yesterday and told her that I was thrilled that I got much more sleep this year than I did that day last year...she laughed and said that even getting up at 7 she did too....(I got up at 3 to be in town in time to go with her to the hospital at 5....*shudder*).
I know...this is a boring post and there are no pictures. But hey, now you know I am alive, my hands haven't been glued together and I remember how to type - these are all good things, I assure you :)
I haven't had much time home lately so no yummerific pics to post....hopefully I'll get a chance to cook over the next few weekends....although, the freezer is pretty much stuffed with healthy fast frozen options....(have you tried the fake chicken patties by morningstar farms? mm mm mm!)
and on that note.....I'm going to stop talking about food and drink another glass of water.....
did you know that you are actually dehydrated when you wake up? yup. you may not feel it, but you actually are - so it is vital to your body and your metabolism that you drink a glass of water first thing!
*lol* you're funny. :)
at least I make someone laugh :)
thx for the update. I need to stop bugging other people to comment on my posts if I can't even manage to comment on theirs!
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