This has been quite the long week...I've been sick all week...this morning I woke up wondering if someone had put an ax in my face while I slept...so I got up and swallowed a couple of Excedrin and went back to bed for a bit....now I'm upright and at work and wondering how long the day is going to be....
I had hoped to be all bright eyed and bushy tailed by this point in the week....talked to C last night...all is going well....after this weekend they are taking her off the med and she can deliver any time...the baby looks good, is near five pounds and trying to "breathe" on her own :-) So that is a huge answer to prayer.
It's 15ยบ outside...um, yuck? I keep trying to convince Bug that we live in the wrong state.....he just laughs at me......but spring IS coming, right?
So I'll take a deep breath and get through this day and know I can veg tomorrow night...and in the meantime meditate on this:
"You're all I want in heaven! You're all i want on earth! ...I'm in the very presence of God - oh, how refreshing it is!" Psalm 73:25, 28 MSG
You're posting every day and I haven't stopped by since Monday... what a bad friend am I......
Love the verse.... Falling more in love with the Message translation..... I think I need to get one of my own.....
You are not a bad friend. I am single and work on a computer every day....I don't have to take care of a husband or teach children :-)
Shoot, that's what I forgot to do today.... ;)
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