Friday night I did some girly touches around the house because I had gotten a call Thursday - a friend of my N brother's had heard about the house, wondered if it was going up for sale anytime soon and how much do I want...
So I called them back and set an appointment for them to come see the place on Saturday...they seemed to really like it but said they needed some time to we'll see.
Army bro coudn't make it out...pray that the things that prevented him from making the trip are resolved....
Saturday afternoon Mom, my K sister, two uncles, my J brother and a grandfather came to the house to move the fence (it's now bordering the land between the fire hall and my house so the backyard is now HUGE and paint shutters (now hunter green) and powerwash the siding...all looks incredible!
Sunday afternoon...Bug goes to tie my hanging muffler back up until I have time to get it fixed...we realize there is no tying it MY Bug replaced it!! I'm so proud of him!! Suffice it to say he's usually not the mechanical type...but he did a wonderful job and I'm happier than a pig in slop!

*lol* wow, girl
Yeah, it was a packed weekend...and I was uber impressed at his "hubbyness" in fixing my car :^)
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