Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am so completely not ready for cold weather to hit! I mean seriously! Last night Bug and Eye went to dinner at a local place....the news was on one of the TVs droning in the background and I caught sight of that dreadful white four letter word....my jaw dropped and I whipped around to look out the window....instead it was raining. I turned back to the TV to figure out where the dreaded stuff was falling....and .....
Yesterday marked three years since the "October Surprise" storm that crippled the city for a few days....they were remembering.... *PHEW*

We revisited a church this past Sunday....and the pastor made an incredibly wonderful point...
"Fear causes us to rewrite history." In that moment, I was not thinking about how God provided for me and kept me warm and safe and fed...I was thinking about the terror that hit when I realized the city was essentially brought to its knees. I didn't think about how it didn't last for long and the power came back and life went on....I thought about the bad and the scary.

Pastor's message was about the Israelites....God brought them through and out of so much...but still, their faith was so fragile. So after the tenth plague, God brought them out of Egypt. And instead of the straight path that led them past the Philistine's, God led them down to the Red Sea. Where they were backed into a corner because Pharaoh decided he wanted his slaves back. God? what are you doing?? Well...God knew that the Israelite's faith was so fragile, they would rewrite history upon seeing the Philistines...they wouldn't see God's provision and remember that He delivered them....they'd see the battle and remember only that the Egyptians provided them with homes.....so God moved them...
...and what about trapping them by the sea? Simple. God needed the Israelites to see that He would provide. Not only did they cross on dry land...God destroyed their captors before the Israelites' very eyes....I take this to mean God was saying "look, I delivered you. I destroyed them in front of you so that you won't lie awake at night thinking you hear chariots coming to enslave you."

Isn't it amazing the lengths God will go to for His people? And here I am stressing about where we'll live and how we're going to move appliances. HA! Silly little Eye.


Mrs. Guthrie said...

Hey, it snowed this week.... ;)

Bug and Eye said...

Not here...mom sent me a pic of the 5 inches she got...I responded that I went out without my coat that day :-)

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Jerk. :)

Bug and Eye said...

You could always move here :) hee hee hee :)

Mrs. Guthrie said...

yeah... no. ;)

Bug and Eye said...

aww come on...it would be fun :D

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Wait.... where you'll live and how you're going to move appliances?? Spill....

And no, it wouldn't be fun... Too much city and snow. :D

Bug and Eye said...

we live north of the city...nice quiet suburb :) and you guys actually get way more snow than we do unless you count freak storms...lol

mira said...

hrm, missed this post until just now. oops! You're on my bloglines now, consider yourself special (or me pathetic, your choice)

snow...yeah...the boys were thrilled. Me, not so much. Though it is nice to see an entire chunk of my wardrobe that hasn't been unfolded in 6 years!

I have seen that call on you to be an interpreter for, um, YEARS. Good for you for making it happen.

Bug and Eye said...

hey lady great to hear from you! and yes, the call has been there for years....I am thrilled a door has finally opened to make it happen! I can't get into this year's class, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel so that helps :)
We need to plan a get together!