Thursday, October 01, 2009


October already? yes....I know...I'm a bad girl and I've been neglecting our on earth will you know what's going on with us unless I update? yeah....sorry about that. I have a sneaking suspicion I'll get better about that if we ever do get online at home...and it will be much easier to post pics....but alas, I digress....

Things are pretty good in our corner of the world...both working, crazy days, but it's ok because it means we are still blessed with employment.

N & B celebrate their first anniversary on Sunday - amazing how quickly it passes!

Bug traded the old car for a newer car and ooh is it fun!! It's a wonderful 4-wheeled blessing, and I am breathing a big sigh of relief because it will be much more dependable when the white-stuff-that-shall-not-be-named shows up.

I'm waiting to hear back from deaf services to see if I can get into the current pre-interpreter training program or if I have to wait for the next one. I am so excited to finally be doing this! It's such a wonderful thing to be able to bridge a that can be so frustrating. I get so mad when someone acts as if it's the hearing-impaired person's fault that they can't hear. There is a huge need for interpreters right now, so I am thrilled to finally get going and serve in that way. Then there's the whole feeling like I am finally doing something I've been called to for a while thing...that does help in the excitement...ya know...just a little....

Some know we are looking for a new church home...that has been a challenging road....we're praying for guidance and taking this opportunity to really strip down why we go to church, what the church is supposed to do and what are we to do as a part of the body.

I started reading a new book called The Forgotten far it's hit me between the eyes every other's about remembering to include the Holy talked about how just because a church has a large membership roll, doesn't mean it's doing as God can put together a great band, a motivational speaker and some hip activities....people will flock...people like to have their ears tickled, we like to hear the Psalms where David talks about God's blessings. We like to read the sweet story of Ruth....we skip over the scary part in Esther and look at the romantic part of her being chosen and rags to riches.....why would we ever want to look at the challenging parts that say I need to change my whole life if I want to live for God? I mean really....I can go to church on Sunday, sing my songs, read my verse....go home and get back to my life...

but then am I really living a life abundantly?

hmm...the brain becomes challenged. as does the soul.....and hopefully, the conscience is still tender enough to be pricked.

I recently talked with a friend about letting go of distractions...the ones that eat our time, creep in and try to attack our marriages, make us think that the distraction is an important piece of our day...when it is really just eating up our free time and keeping us from doing the things that matter...It's amazing what God can do in your life when you actually acknowledge and push away a distraction and put the focus back on him.

well....there's a ramble for the day....
sorry for the delay....and I'll try to be better :)

1 comment:

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Definitely understand on the church thing... That is one of the things that I have loved about PM and our now-home church. The focus is on how we live our life and our relationship with God rather than what God can do for us and how pretty "life" can be. It is good to go and be CHALLENGED and ENCOURAGED. Without the encouragement to deepen your walk with God (yes, I'm including worship in the deepening part :), what is it besides a social gathering?