Monday, December 07, 2009

busy busy!'s the crazy time of the year...Bug works insane hours....Eye is just insane ;-)
it's also getting chilly out
I made butternut squash bisque and cornmeal muffins with chipotle lime butter :)

Bug liked it.

...and in the spirit of de-cluttering...

yeah...that's right. I built this cabinet.


Pauley said...

Respect the hammer. Fear the hammer.

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*lol* You go girl. ;) Every girl needs to know how to build something. :) The soup and muffins look pretty tasty, too, btw. xoxo

Bug and Eye said...

*giggle* you know it Pauley...if all else fails HIWBH

and thanks Mrs. G :) how are you doing?

and I miss you both!

mira said...

would be nice to see you this winter, esp. if you are serving bisque ;-p

Bug and Eye said...

I put three bags of it in the freezer :)
Any plans to check out the vast expanse of crafting shops in my neck of the woods? We don't get down that way too often...especially this time of the year but once peak ends we can plan a day of it