Here goes my first attempt at a blog....
Don't you love when you decide how God is supposed to act in certain situations. When we build this...well, false idol, really, why should we be surprised when He doesn't fit in our box? And then we are left with our doubts, and in worse situations, our accusations. So this clearly is coming from a situation I'm dealing with. The answer: Count my blessings. Literally. I'm going to be at it awhile....
It's an interesting thing when people don't want to hear anything about the gospel. I was talking to one of my bosses yesterday and I asked him if the company made them tuck in their shirts. I had a feeling that they did because I had seen three supervisors standing together and I noticed they all had their [polo] shirts tucked in. So my boss told me that they made him tuck their shirts in, and when I asked why he told me they were supposed to be professional. I told him no offense, but they're the most unprofessional of the three shifts I've worked on. He asked why and I told him that there wasn't a supervisor I had seen that didn't cuss like a...well, you get the idea. So as we were talking he told me that the swear word he uses most is G-D. He said he likes using that one more than the F-bomb because to him, it's less offensive since he's not a believer. Of course the point isn't about the offense to him, but I didn't want to press him too hard on it. Now, admittedly, I don't do the greatest job of evangelism. It certainly doesn't come naturally to me. But here he is bringing up his unbelief. The hard part was done for me. So I asked him a couple generic questions to get started, and he really wasn't having any of it.
You have to wonder what he's been through that makes him shut down like that. It could be he lost his faith over a painful experience long ago. Maybe he was brought up atheist. Maybe he has been wronged by Christians. I've been in situations where this is the case. It's unfair. It's like people that say all men/women are evil because they had one or two bad relationships. People hold stuff against you because of something someone else did. Worse, they hold stuff against God. So what can we do? We need to make it clear that the point isn't what other people do, it's what Jesus did. It's not fair to judge a belief system by anything other than it's champion, and our champion is Jesus Christ. Second, let's not be stumbling blocks for people. Ever see Christians wield the truth like a lead pipe, beating people over the head with it? I have, and I used to be one. There is a "more excellent way", to make a paraphrase.
Another problem I have is that people associate Christianity with the Republican Party. You can see why in a lot of issues...abortion, gay marriage, etc. But Jesus was no politician. It seems he separated Himself from that whole thing. "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's"...He had more important things to deal with, and frankly, so do we. It's good to vote, but I do not want to be associated with a political party. I want to be associated with Christ. Incidentally, shouldn't we as believers be environmentalists? This is God's creation we're talking about. Who is the better party on that issue? Hopefully you see what I mean.
That's enough out of me...not too bad for a first-timer I hope.
i think that was about six posts in one, which of course means you are obligated to come back and expound further. for the record.
nope, not bad at all for a first timer. and you're right, it's not our job to BE God, it's our job to love Him, and love His people. I only wish it were that simple in my brain all the time.
Good job! Looking forward to more from you, cause, like mira said, that just opens you up to keep going and get a little deeper, maybe. :)
yup. I agree...he needs to do more!
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