Saturday, August 06, 2011


So...I wrote this lovely blog about how I feel like a duckapatomus...big like a hippo while waddling like a duck...and for some reason it wouldn't post. so I saved it to word and figured try another day but for some reason the copy/paste feature is not liking my idea.

so here we are...

31 weeks pregnant...good and uncomfortable but still enjoying the feel of the acrobat doing her routine in my belly...such a weird butterflies on steroids... She's big enough now so we can watch the show too. she's decided my bladder is a delightful trampoline and my ribs are just the perfect height monkey bars....

and yet, even in spite of all of the discomfort that can bring....and the jumping on the sciatic nerve...and the braxton hicks...I am still smiling and thoroughly in love with this tiny human I have yet to officially meet. I watch the belly move around and feel her kicks...when we go to the doctor her little heartbeat is so strong...and I wonder how any woman can go through this and not believe in God and miracles.

Our little girl already has a bit of a personality....she dances when Daddy plays the guitar and although it's more rare now...still engages him in a game of hide and seek when he wants to feel her move...I cannot wait to see her little face.

yesterday I was missing my big brother so much I could barely breathe. I could almost hear him making comments about my big belly and making beeping noises if I backed up...which made me smile. I could also picture his smile as I handed him a tiny baby and said meet your niece....and then I cried...yeah, I know he's seeing far more amazing things than a newborn right now...but some days it really gets me what he's missing. and of course that delightful influx of pregnancy hormones does not help with the tears.

Although, my mother tells me that not being able to have a piece of cake is a perfectly valid reason to cry.

We're off for our bi-weekly check up in a few minutes and I'm meeting with a nutritionist on Monday...and in no more than 9 weeks...we will meet our little bundle of job and that flew.

1 comment:

Mrs. Guthrie said...

::hugs:: He sees her. ;) Love you!!!!