Tuesday, December 02, 2008


So...I was talking with my other favorite newlywed....and we were reveling in the amazement of marriage. We've both been friends with our spouses for quite some time and before our weddings would have told you we knew them very well...
amazing how much more you learn even in a few days...weeks...months of marriage. (you married people are all nodding, aren't you?)

Anyway, yes I'm stating the obvious for some...but for others...wow...it's just incredible...the overwhelming blessing....the FULL understanding of two becoming one....the way we miss each other during the day even though we've kissed goodbye that morning and come home to each other every night...despite the fact that before we were married it was rare to see each other during the week....we had to wait agonizingly for the weekend to get here.....you'd think that we'd never miss each other.....but the two became one....and when we're apart....for work or play....it's amazing the way you sense and feel it....there are reasons that marriage is such a sacred bond, and once God has joined two hearts no one should even try to set asunder....two lives knit together for life....

Sounds daunting to some...life...one person....that's it...
and yet....those of us whom God has already blessed with marriage thank Him for it....

The way that no matter how long, hard or insane my day was....coming through the front door to his embrace and kiss...soothes it all away...the way that doing dishes stops being a chore when we do them together....

I guess what my wordiness is trying to say is....Thank you God for the blessing of marriage, for seeing to every little detail....for loving us enough to share this with us....

I've mentioned it before....
it's pretty cool how God works....he designed our relationship with him to be like a marriage. I always had an ok grasp on it....daily communication, intimate through worship, hearing His heart....but never was prepared for the eye opener of being married and realizing a whole new dimension to God and His love for us....


Photography by Brooke said...

You are right! Even after almost 9 years of marriage, and 13 years together...we still miss each other during the day. Isn't it amazing? :)

Mrs. Guthrie said...

How right you are!! I still remember clearly the horror that one acquaintance expressed at the thought of spending their life with ONLY ONE PERSON when they found out I was engaged... and wasn't I equally horrified? Um, no.... That's WHY I married him. :) Yup, married life God's way is AMAZING. :) Love you.

Bug and Eye said...

I remember that!! and I remember a few locker room conversations where I was convinced that people were very jealous that you knew exactly what you wanted and were getting it at that point in your life. God is good and I can't imagine life any other way....the comfort, the security and the chance to grow deeper in love and faith versus the insecurities of what is the boy of the week thinking hmm....yeah, I'll take the husband :-)

mira said...

i concur.