So...we went to the little C Village for the weekend with every intention of being vegetables...didn't quite work out like that, but it was a good weekend...Friday night we ordered a veggie pizza and watched a movie....Saturday...we chased my mother around Otown in an attempt to shop with her. I still maintain she was trying to ditch us ;-) She says she was just trying to not let us see Christmas presents.....
We thought we'd get home late morning/early afternoon, veg for a while, maybe head to H town or home early evening....popped in a movie...I made dinner...we finished the movie and rubbed each other's feet with tingly mint lotion (man I love Bath & Body Works!) and that was the ball game....
Sunday...ah Sunday....we had a bridal show slated for the we knew we were headed back to the City earlier than usual.
My eyes flew open at 7:30 and wouldn't close, despite the fact that I didn't need to be up for at least two more hours...
so...for some reason I thought it would be a grand day to watch the video from my high school grad party...nearly 10 years ago....
I smiled when I saw
this one and the 2 month old TINY baby....cried when the heaven dwelling brother showed up on screen...and had a good laugh at the adeptness (stop laughing.) of my volleyball skills...
then I decided the day must be productive.
And how is this done? Simple!
Find the laundry room floor after cleaning out the linen closets a couple weeks ago and discovering that EVERYTHING must be washed.

Gather your fuel making ingredients.
Check on the strawberry muffins...(forgot to take the pic of them in the bowl...sorry...)

Make the espresso...
Pair the uber yummy muffin with a raspberry cappuccino...

Serve to the adorable fiance...

Kick your feet up and enjoy...

Let him read for a bit....

and then venture off!!!
yes. it is a sticker. it says here comes the bride.And should the bridal show not be all it was hailed to be....
comfort yourself with food you shouldn't be eating anyway....