so...don't you just love when you're dealing with a particular situation and then something appears in your life to remind you that God's still got you...that He's there and just waiting for you to stop worrying and start trusting?
and then when you keep worrying...and He's got to use the 2x4...yeah...that's me....
and I open my email this morning...
and Dr. Jeff Hoy is waiting there....well, not actually Jeff Hoy.....but my daily devotional from him...
and I read it....and I smile and say "Ok, God, I get it now...." and here's where I pray that I do...
The Careful WaitWords of Faith 10-15-07
Dr. Jeffrey D. Hoy
pastorjeff@faithfellowshipweb.comFaith Fellowship ChurchMelbourne, FL
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Ruth 3 [16] When Ruth came to her mother in law, Naomi asked, "How did it go, my daughter?" Then she told her everything Boaz had done for her [17] and added, "He gave me these six measures of barley, saying, 'Don't go back to your mother in law empty handed.' " [18] Then Naomi said, "Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today."
In our age of immediate gratification, the thing we often struggle with the most is waiting. We will do almost anything to avoid having to wait. We love the 10 minute oil change and the 60 minute cleaner so much that we may begin to think that our relationship with God should work in the same way. Name it claim it I want it NOW, God.
Ruth knew better. She knew there was no "microwave prayer". Because of the complexity of the situation, Boaz was unable to immediately respond by marrying Ruth and "redeeming" her and Naomi. He made a commitment that, one way or another, redemption would take place either by marriage to Boaz or to another kinsman who stood in line. But the "answer" would have to wait. Ruth would have to wait.
Now don't miss this! Notice the care that Boaz gave to be sure that Ruth did not return home "empty handed". Though there was a wait before an answer would come Ruth did not leave the threshing floor empty handed. Even in the time of waiting there were six measures of blessing!
There are times when we go to God with a need. We offer the fragrance of praise. We are washed and ready to hear from Him. We approach Him in humility and our heart is surrendered to His Lordship. But his answer is... "wait". It may not be our favorite answer, but, if we learn from the story of Ruth, we know that God has His very best in mind for us. And we know that there is a blessing that comes in the waiting.
We do not leave "empty handed". The job we prayed for may not be immediate, but He gives a blessing in the time of waiting. We may not immediately see the ultimate goal of God, but we will walk away with six measures of blessing if our arms are open to receive. There may be a measure of the fruit of the Spirit called patience. The Lord may teach us a measure of compassion that we will forever carry toward others in situations similar to ours. He may pour into our shawl a big measure of faith that is able to trust God not just when answers are quick and flashy but when they are slow and subtle.
Are you waiting? Waiting on the Lord? Waiting for an answer? Open your arms and receive the measure of blessing He has for you. You will not leave empty handed.
Lord, I am open to Your timing and to Your blessing. Teach me in the times of waiting. I trust You. Your ways are not my ways and Your thoughts are not my thoughts. I trust Your timing and Your wisdom. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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Dr. Jeffrey D. Hoy - Faith Fellowship Church (EFCA)
820 Business Center Blvd.
Melbourne, Florida 32940 (321)-259-7200
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