Monday, February 19, 2007

my super bargain

for those who have been uber impressed that I managed to find a $60 dress for $'s a pic of me in it after coming back from our incredible valentines date :-) what a wonderful evening!!


Pauley said...

Nawww. Teh cute. :)

-- Pauley

mira said...

ha-cha-cha ;-)

Bug and Eye said...

well thanks!!
and's practicle too...machine washable and comfy!!!

mira said...

ooh, now you're talking!

Bug and Eye said...

yeah, I saw machine washable and fell in how sad am I?

Mrs. Guthrie said...

hey, hot stuff! :) very good job, chickie ;)

Bug and Eye said...

Now we just gotta get y'all to Buffalo so we can go out...and I can wear it again :-D