Thursday, July 31, 2008


With the wedding quickly approaching, there are a handful of questions we are asked nearly here they are :-D

Q. How many days left?
A. Today is July 31, which means 16 days to go!

Q. Are you nervous?
A. No, excited....little details are making me crazy but that was a short drive :-D

Q. Is Bug nervous?
A. Nope...his buddy asked if he's getting cold feet and he gets a huge grin on his face and says "nope. not even a little."

Q. How goes the moving in of the Bug's belongings?
A. Good - he calls it his invasion.....he's been bringing a few boxes over every week....what's great is that he lives with his parents so he doesn't have a lot of furniture or stuff for us to figure out where to put.

Q. Where's the apartment pictures you promised?
A. Yeah.....about phone sucks and we got a digital camera for our bridal I'm gonna take new pics and figure out how to upload them to my flash drive and then I'll just create a massive slide show of apartment pics.

Q. How was the shower?
A. Great!!! Check out pics here

Q. Are you all set for the wedding?
A. Pretty much....we still have to get a cake cutter and turn in our headcounts - we just made it in on budget, praise God!! Although, we are very sad that we can't have everyone we love there and promise to be quick about the pictures.

Q. Yeah, about the pics.....tell me when I can see them?
A. Brooke is taking digital pics, so probably pretty much right after the honeymoon....I think K is going to take digital shots too and I'm gonna hand our digital camera to a couple of trusted folks so we can have at least a few wedding shots to show the Uncle and Grandpa that can't make it to the wedding.

Q. Where's the honeymoon?
A. I could tell you but then..... *gryn* We're going to the Adirondacks

I think that about covers it :-)
We're doing great, we're exhausted and as much as we are looking forward to the wedding, we are really ready to get through it and get to the marriage. Please keep us in prayer for sanity, peace and focus and our families for safe travel and also, if you could pray for great weather, we'd appreciate it.

Thanks for stopping by....have a wonderful day!


mira said...

no poconos? tee hee. I DEFINITELY want pics, so sad to be missing such a huge day in your life. Will be praying for you these last few days.

Bug and Eye said...

Thank you very much!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I will get the pictures done asap! I am planning on taking at least 1,000 pictures. :)


Bug and Eye said...

you rock.