Wednesday, March 10, 2010

oh my.

so....this is the last year of my 20's. That's a touch scary.

I've decided to have a yearlong farewell to my 20's. I'm a dork.


Pauley said...

Yeah, but you're a lovable dork. ;)

Bug and Eye said...

well as long as I'm lovable it works :)

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*roflmao* I liked 29... wanted to just put that year on repeat... no one would let me. ;) 30 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. You can do it. :)

Love you, and happy birthday, again!! :D

mira said... I'm a jerk and forgot your birthday. Does it make you feel better to know I often forget my own birthday? (or does that just make me look more like a ditz...don't answer that...)

happy belated birthday!!

Bug and Eye said...

Thank you!!!
and Mira - you're pregnant, it's my understanding that the baby hogs all the brainpower so no worries! LOL - on desperate housewives last week Lynette says "ME? I'm pregnant. I forget pants sometimes!"