When we booked our honeymoon, we were pretty sure we would be saying goodbye to Grandpa L....that's a big part of the reason we went to that location....before we went in, Bug prayed....he thanked God for the opportunity to come to see Grandpa...for allowing us at least one more visit...he prayed for my strength as he knew it would be hard for me....and it was...but I kissed my Grandpa, I told him I love him and I said goodbye.
Grandpa looked pretty good, his nurse said his quality was good and didn't agree with me that it wouldn't be long....that was six weeks ago.
Grandpa went to be with the Lord in his sleep yesterday.
I'm almost afraid to react....I feel like if I start crying now, I won't stop....been a long few weeks...
Our pastor is convinced Satan is trying to attack a young marriage....since we got married, one or both of us has been sick....(I'm fighting off a nasty cold now...) a co worker passed away, and now Grandpa has gone home....daily challenges seem to be more challenging when you're run down....and this is where I try to make myself remember that His strength IS perfect when my strength is gone, and He will carry me when I feel like I can't carry on...
I am blessed though...I have a wonderful husband carrying me to Jesus when my feet can't quite make the journey....he is amazing and I daily thank God for him.
Speaking of husbandly things.....N brother is getting married on Saturday - I am so excited for him...
talk about a roller coaster year emotionally!!