Tuesday, February 23, 2010

ow. or how I spent my Monday

So we had a delightful weekend...we traveled to littlecville to see the birthday boy and hug on the family a bit...Sunday we had brunch with a dear friend and headed home....got home and didn't feel quite so right....so I brewed up some ginger tea and sipped on it...around 7 my stomach revolted...and again around 8....tried to sip some juice....bad idea.....I think I threw up last week's dinner....then it continued on nearly hourly for the entire night. Around 1 am, I got nervous because no one should ever vomit that much bile...especially not at one time...tried to get back to sleep...and of course was up at 2, 2:30, 3...4....and at 5 couldn't really breathe...so I woke the bug and we took an all-expense paid trip to the emergency room....where the world's most wonderful nurse took amazing care of me and stood outside the bathroom door while my stomach revolted yet again...
then she wasted no time hooking me up to fluids, getting me some anti-nausea and some pain meds and reassuring me that they'd get tests run asap.....
at first they were thinking a gall stone stuck in the common bile duct..which of course sounded quite scary.

Turned out to be a simple case of esophogitis and gastroenteritis. Yeesh. So they gave me some anti-nausea meds and ulcer meds and sent me home with orders to go easy on my system and clear liquids for a little while (hey man, doc said I HAVE to eat Jell-o for dinner ;D)

So, I'm ok. albeit exhausted and pretty sore....but God is good.


Mrs. Guthrie said...

Blech. The flu bug made it's way around here, but definitely did not sound as extreme as your Sunday night and Monday! Look on the bright side: that will kick a few pounds!! ;) Hope you feel better!

Bug and Eye said...

yeah....guess it's GERD...which is somewhat less than a fun time...but it's more motivation to avoid the grease...that was not a fun day.