Tuesday, June 09, 2009

ah...that message!

Embrace this God-life. Really embrace it, and nothing will be too much for you.... That's why I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you'll get God's everything. Mark 11:22-24 (Message Translation)

Hmm. Now there's some food for thought. I don't think it's really any secret that we've had a lot of things weighing heavy on our minds lately - and it hasn't really changed. And in Bible study last night I was reminded that God still doesn't change. Yes, I've always known it ...and yes, I'm crying, and trying my best not to tear my hair out. Sure, I've eaten more than a few chocolate cupcakes and bowls of ice cream and curled up with my favorite fleece blanket on the couch and had my husband rub my feet....but those things...while they may make me smile for a little while...they are all temporary fixes....now God...he's got some bigger fixes...and while I freely admit I'm not so good with the patience aspect....his bigger fixes....they are much better than overdoses of sugar and an extra long visit to the gym.

I've said it before...and I'm sure I'll say it again...it's amazing what can happen when one steps out of God's way and into his will.....
I'll close with a quote my husband shared with me years ago.
Take the first step. And then God will take the second step. And by the time the third step rolls around....you'll realize it was God who took the first step. [author unknown]

1 comment:

mira said...

glad you're still faithful. what a testimony you will have when you're old and grey!!

...which won't happen for many many many years of course and you'll be even more attractive with grey hair than without. ;-op