Thursday, July 26, 2007

words...inspiration....healing balm....

I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him. 2 Timothy 1:12 NLT

Sweet Jesus, I'm waiting. I'm here on bended knee.
I need you, to heal me. Please come and set me free.
Reaching out, I touch the nails...see your was bleeding for me!
My words...only fail...'till I cry...with my whole being...
Forgive me. "The Confession" Dave Miller

My Lord and Savior,
you see my tears, you feel my pains, you know my greatest joys and were there for every moment, you never leave me. Your word does not return to you void.
Bless this day and prove yourself strong and faithful over again. I love you Father, and I know the plans you have for me are to prosper and not harm me and I thank you for them.
Grow me this day, stretch me and mold me....make me the woman you designed me to be. Remind me of the words you've given me and sustain me. I praise your wonderful Name forever,

This has been a trying month for me...somewhat of a roller coaster....
Last night I had the privilege of sitting under Pastor James McDonald. He taught from Acts 12...about how God is in control even when....
and the two that stuck with me were: when my faith is weak and when it looks like my enemy is was kind of funny....he asked if we are ever like "GOD!! Get him!!!" and as I laughed I admitted, yes....I do that...."but God!! why are you letting them be blessed! they are BAD!!" "But God!! I pray, I tithe, I read my Bible! Why haven't you answered each and every one of my demands!!"

Could be because I didn't leave them on the altar when I walked away...maybe it's because I would love to think I trusted him enough....but at the heart of it...I held on to my backup plans....

So today, my task/mission/quest...thing.... is to die to self, to take my hands off..."look God, no hands!" and let him work 'cause let's face it....He's a lot better at this stuff than I am.

I close with this:

Put God in charge of your work, then what you've planned will take place....We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live." Proverbs 16:3,9 MSG

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Yes, it hurts.

so....there I was semi-minding my own business at the church picnic Saturday....when I was viciously attacked by a volleyball!!!!!

Right wrist:

Left arm...mean ole ball!!

Fortunately there was a nurse at the I asked if I was ok to just go home or did I need to go to the ER...he said to ice it over night, motrin every 4 hours, and keep it up...then we'd see what it looked like the next day:

So we decided to go get an x-ray.....not broken but a regimine of RICE and this is how it looked yesterday:

Bug says no more volleyball for me...

Monday, July 16, 2007

It's Monday already?

where on earth did our relaxing weekend go????
in two weeks we're headed for Bug's family reunion....nice four day weekend....I'd like a 30 day weekend.....
so things are good....about the same....but I figured I'd stop by and say hello.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Until I remember to email myself the pics I took with my phone, you'll have to use your imagination.....

So Bug tried sushi. It was amusing. Those that know my other half know that adventure and food do not belong in the same paragraph unless there is also a "no freakin' way" this amused me greatly.

Not much else is new.....I need to get pics of the changing environment around the little white house that needs a new owner.....doing my best to not get discouraged there....I know, old song, old words...I'm moving on....

Work is about the same. Blo is HOT and muggy and for some reason it's made me pensive and all I really want to do is go home and curl up and read or something.

Although a wonderful friend from the days of yore....(sidebar....I am SO loving that all the friends from the days of yore are back!) anyway.....this wonderful friend has shown me the wonder that is The West Wing ....amazing show. So I've seen seasons 1 and 2 and now I need to grab some lunch with her to a) lament the things I didn't like in the seasons 2) catch up on what's been shaking since I saw her last week and d) get season 3 (and she's probably reading this laughing at me.....p.s. you can comment without creating an account should you desire to publicly show your amusement at my silliness....just do the anonymous or other category or whatever it's called :-D)

but yeah. there's your "update" of sorts....yes. I'm a boring sort today.
love me anyway.